At CKD, we offer both stock and custom color kites, and "white label" kites (details below) on rare occasions. We pride ourselves in sending you a kite that not only looks the way you want, but inspires you to learn the intricacies of their design, their purpose, and ultimately pushes you to learn more about the vast world of kiting. Below are some pictures we've received from customers around the world. Feel free to send us a picture of your custom colors, and we’ll add it below.
Custom Colors Album
Dedication to Quality
The album below shows the quality and detail that goes into every hand-made, built to order kite of the CKD brand. Additionally, every model comes with a custom canvas waterproof bag, and vinyl decal.
During the prototyping phase, each of our models is tested rigorously on the field before production. This directly informs the details and reinforcements of the production build. Proper and strong reinforcements, locations, overall detail, and more are expected for a high end sport kite. At CKD, we are dedicated to continuing this legacy as best we can.
Quality and Details Album
What is a "White Label Kite"?
Every kite from CKD comes with a logo sewn on the front side at the tail piece (below). For stock and custom colored kites, this consists of a black background with a white logo (below). A “White Label” kite represents the addition of something unique to that kite specifically. This can consist of a discontinued fabric or color, a special frame, or reinforcement at the request of the buyer that has been approved by the CKD team. Each white label kite has been thoroughly discussed between the buyer, John McCracken, and Devin Cobleigh-Morrison. An album of "white label" kites is below.
Classic/Stock Label

White Label
White Label Album